Yoga for cancer patients

On Friday I asked a colleague in the therapy department, who I've worked with on some stuff, if I could come in and observe some of the yoga classes for patients who have cancer. She was extremely positive about it and sorted me out straight away. Honestly, I wish I'd thought of this a long time ago - but with five weeks to go, at least I can get a month or so in with this lady. The teacher is a woman called Juliet Bradshaw, who is a yoga therapist (a qualification that takes multiple years and a lot of teaching practice to achieve - you have to do your normal qual first and then gain experience).

She was really great, as was the class. She asked me to do some of the breathing and just relax to start, and then I observed the rest of the class. The people in the class were also really lovely and supportive, even explaining about their own health issues at points. Juliet paused a few times to explain things to me that I wouldn't know - such as issues to do with scar tissue changing how you move (modifications) and pawanmuktasana, which is gentle yoga movements that are good to help people ease in to practice. This type of class is nothing like other yoga, it's the opposite of ashtanga, it's slow, soft, effortless movement.

Although the thought of becoming a yoga therapist is way too daunting right now, I know there are many things I can extrapolate from the way Juliet teaches for my own efforts going forward, in terms of working with people with different health issues and mobility levels. I'm really looking forward to observing the remainder of the sessions, and am hoping to go back next year once I start training.

Otherwise in life, things keep moving with work possibilities... I'm pretty exhausted and still not exercising, and eating really poorly, so that's something I now need to address. I think stress is the main impacting factor here, but a year on from the initial anxiety inducing situation, it's time to get my head in gear.