Some great recent tips

Things from Sarah:

  • Always think about pulling up through the inner thighs, of using the power when you're in poses like Virabhadrasana 1 and 2. Show the work

  • When in reverse side angle, you can do it with knee down. You pull your upper body and chest across the body in the direction of the twist and lean the bent knee across in the other direction to create space)

  • Kurmasana - ignore the man in the pictures, your legs don't need to be way out, and when you pull into the pose you want to push your knees against your elbows to create strength

  • Use a strap to create an effective bind for Marichasana A (think I probably need reminding of how to do this next week!)

  • Practice tucking under when rolling down, this will prevent you just flopping forward (happens with open hips!)

Things from Doug:

  • Think about a dishcloth for safe twisting - you wouldn't wring it out in one direction

  • You can go up onto your tiptoes to start with when going into bridge to bring yourself closer to the right positioning

Things from Adelaine and Lizzie:

  • You can do supported shoulder stand using a bolster and the wall - put the bolster across your shoulders, keep it off the neck and put a blanket or block behind the bolster if necessary. Protect the neck!!!